Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed purus lacus, dictum in posuere in, efficitur et tellus. Praesent scelerisque nunc vitae massa euismod gravida. Sed magna eros, facilisis quis venenatis non, commodo at sapien. Sed quis augue facilisis, gravida velit at, facilisis justo. Maecenas auctor ex lorem, vitae mollis augue mollis sed. Etiam non odio at mauris suscipit pretium. Pellentesque ornare sem augue, et faucibus risus euismod id. Proin condimentum dictum urna quis malesuada.
Nulla luctus mauris nec tortor convallis iaculis. Nullam sed sagittis orci. Mauris diam leo, suscipit et iaculis a, tempus non lorem. Ut posuere orci eget euismod scelerisque. Pellentesque facilisis gravida libero quis condimentum. Aenean commodo lorem faucibus nunc tempor, ut viverra sem viverra. Cras nec nisl neque. Mauris id justo nec arcu pharetra iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus vestibulum lectus a malesuada lobortis. Phasellus consequat tellus varius erat rutrum sagittis. Nullam non velit ex. Nulla venenatis non dolor sed sodales.
Ma Sarit simply means “the Great River“. It begins far north in the mountain range of Kaal-Charmat and has two springs, the Rivers Erel and Gistun that are its roots. They flow around the great plains, and the old City of Uldar lies at their confluence. From there, Ma Sarit runs through the Elven woods taking in more water. At last, it rushes from the high Horamen Waterfall down to Siranian plateau. From there it carries on, wide and calm – a comfortably navigable stream used for transportation. From Horamen till Sirgon, it also constitutes the natural border of the Siranian Empire. Arkagas joined the Empire only later.
Ma-Sarit (its name on the map stems from the Gandharian Maghazarith; the Siranians simply call it by the Elfish word Duenn, “River”, or Sarit/Neal) plays an important role in stories and legends – its waters are thought to be especially magical and sacred, and many stories have their beginnings and ends tightly connected with the River Duenn. There is also a classic image of a hero transported by the ferryman into the unknown of the other shore.
The greatest Siranian fortress. A training camp with an immense capacity for the armed forces. An encampment for the active military. Unless they have to attend negotiations in Sirgon, the army leaders are stationed here. Sirania has always known the greatest danger lies to the West; this is why many ages ago, upon a lonely rock above Ma Sarit, the foundations of a mighty citadel were laid. Gaols, tunnels and dungeons were hollowed along with multiple walls topped with bastions, high towers were erected.
The mighty body of the fortress glimmers innocently in the sun, not giving the impression of much activity, either ongoing or imminent. Nonetheless, anyone who knows something about its entrails can readily imagine how in times of danger, the open gates are spilling out innumerous ranks of lion-hearted Siranian legionaries.
The regular Siranian army is comprised of legions. One legion is composed of roughly ten thousand soldiers; however, the more senior veteran legions often have considerably fewer men as their numbers are not replenished. The military leaders have long been aware that one of the most valuable things in battle is an experienced soldier – and mixing the experienced with the unexperienced has never proven very successful.
Currently, Sirania has ten active legions (all officially numbered) in encampments scattered all across the Empire. Four of these legions are stationed at the Border Fortress.
To the west from the Fortress lies the Free country – a very sparsely inhabited wooded landscape protected by a prestigious chivalric order – the servants of the goddess Pallas (god Pallas), the so-called Palladins. Owing to their peaceable nature and the mutually shared love of order, they live in harmony with Sirania.
The Horamen Waterfalls are the greatest waterfalls in the whole of Grand. From the terrible heights of one mile, abundant waters of Ma Sarit rush to the ground. The rumble of Horamen is what most resembles the voice of the Creator, and the rainbow that in the day perpetually adorns the clouds of steam rising from the water is like the rarest of crowns. According to the stories of the folk who live under the Waterfalls, the water comes down from a higher, older world; the shamans of their tribe can advance against the rushing currents (and therefore time), in order to behold the real spring of Ma Sarit, which lies beyond Grand.
The Elven Woods. He who has seen them has left with an indestructible memory in his soul. The rustle of their leaves is like a whisper of a quiet tide and their scent the most covert perfume of genuineness. The shade cast by the tree-tops offers calmness and peace, bringing awakening from the state of chasing after illusions into that of joy of stillness and being. A mere presence in these woods is healing and reinvigorates the soul.
Such, however, is only the edge of this woodland, and only for those who come without evil in them. At night, the woods become a wellhead of visions, an apparition of power, a live fairy-tale – the one that without fault foretells bad end for the sorcerer. But their depths hide a secret greater than any mortal can conceive. There, in their ancient world where the sun shines differently, grow trees as big as mountains, and songs form the shapes of things. In these woods, wandering becomes a journey for paths have not yet wrestled their way in. And yet there are towering silver palaces whose filigreed roofs touch the skies.
Proin sit amet efficitur libero, id ultricies purus. Vestibulum fringilla nibh et ipsum interdum, ac vehicula arcu tristique. Nulla dignissim consectetur erat eu malesuada. Phasellus gravida rutrum blandit. Integer non mattis lectus, ac pulvinar velit. Ut cursus sem arcu, quis condimentum elit auctor id. Vestibulum bibendum congue libero, at blandit velit lacinia eget. Nulla ac eleifend orci, a sagittis est.
Nam dui arcu, posuere ut lorem ac, cursus pellentesque est. Morbi accumsan aliquam est, quis pellentesque augue malesuada at. Phasellus sed velit mollis, tempor ante vel, molestie arcu. Aliquam eu odio sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed metus augue, dignissim semper fermentum ac, aliquam quis est. Nulla at porta risus. Vestibulum vitae suscipit odio, congue auctor nisl. Morbi eleifend rutrum turpis, sit amet mollis enim luctus vitae. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin id arcu auctor, consequat felis nec, tincidunt nibh. Sed auctor faucibus quam, at blandit odio tincidunt a.
Praesent luctus dui vitae metus sagittis, vitae fermentum felis volutpat. Nullam quis metus vel felis sollicitudin sagittis. Nulla non maximus nunc, at lobortis augue. Vivamus accumsan interdum porttitor. Nam dignissim rutrum sem at varius. In vel erat ornare, pulvinar ligula vitae, ornare metus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce finibus, sem vitae eleifend ornare, odio ligula faucibus urna, vel pretium dolor mauris sed orci. Cras ac tincidunt diam. Nulla ac varius dui. Etiam erat ligula, vulputate nec ipsum vel, cursus euismod ipsum. In vel blandit ipsum. Morbi commodo faucibus pretium.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed purus lacus, dictum in posuere in, efficitur et tellus. Praesent scelerisque nunc vitae massa euismod gravida. Sed magna eros, facilisis quis venenatis non, commodo at sapien. Sed quis augue facilisis, gravida velit at, facilisis justo. Maecenas auctor ex lorem, vitae mollis augue mollis sed. Etiam non odio at mauris suscipit pretium. Pellentesque ornare sem augue, et faucibus risus euismod id. Proin condimentum dictum urna quis malesuada.
Nulla luctus mauris nec tortor convallis iaculis. Nullam sed sagittis orci. Mauris diam leo, suscipit et iaculis a, tempus non lorem. Ut posuere orci eget euismod scelerisque. Pellentesque facilisis gravida libero quis condimentum. Aenean commodo lorem faucibus nunc tempor, ut viverra sem viverra. Cras nec nisl neque. Mauris id justo nec arcu pharetra iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus vestibulum lectus a malesuada lobortis. Phasellus consequat tellus varius erat rutrum sagittis. Nullam non velit ex. Nulla venenatis non dolor sed sodales.